Saturday, February 11, 2012

How Not To Be Sexy

How not to be sexy??????????I know most married women probably don't even worry about this but given my history of being a heart breaker/home wrecker,this is on my mind a LOT.  I hate when guys try to hit on you when you are carting around all your kids in the grocery store or even worst when you're 9 months pregnant.  Guys please give a poor girl a break, not all housewives are desperate, and I know most soccer moms are really hot, but there are plenty of dumb ditty single girls to go hit on and take home with you.  I guess to be honest I don't mind all the special treatment and free stuff I get so I guess it's only fair to let the poor guy practice his pick up lines.  I enjoyed the free crazy bread and the guy at the auto store didn't charge me for a part I need today so thanks guys.
So last week I bought a new dress that I thought was totally not feminine or attractive in anyway it has a collar and buttons up like a guys shirt.  oh wait if you are a visual person like me it's similar to this but it's blue and from New York and Company 
so when I got home I ask my husband if he like my new dress and I told him I bought it because I was trying to be less sexy and he just laughed and told me that I had failed miserably and told me it looks like something I would put on just to take off because of the buttons down the front.  um look at the dress it's screams not flattering in anyway, but I guess I'm not a guy and my husband is no help to me at all.  I guess it's true if you are a woman and have a pulse then men with find you irresistible.  Oh well.  I guess my energy is better spent elsewhere.  Men.  

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