Sunday, August 21, 2011

Raising a Genius!

My girls went back to school on Monday--I've lost the cord to my camcorder and my camera went buzzerk so that explains why there haven't been any photos lately---awwwe---anyways they looked adorable you're just going to have to trust me. That morning we had a yummy big breakfast and we dropped them off, no tears . When we get to school we are bombarded by praise and admiration for our brilliant daughter. First her old teacher kept asking us if we had seen her scores, and then her new teacher, and then the principal and administrator started freaking out and talking about how they want to award her and have a banquet in her honor. . . I kind of got lost because I had no idea what everyone was talking about so I just smiled and nodded and let Tim do the talking, then later I asked him what all the fuss was about and he explained they were talking about her AIMS test she had taken before summer break that she had scored perfect scores on majority of the tests--No surprise to me she is my daughter after all j/k. Anyways the way everyone was freaking out over it made me kinda of wonder how much they were getting paid and profiting over my daughter's test scores to want to throw her a party lol, but I'm always in for a party, so I guess it's ok this time. Personally I do not feel test ever show true intelligence, and it's unfortunate our nation focuses so much on the tests and not on education and learning--such is life we always have to measure this and that so we can boast about how smarter or better we are than the other guy.

Anyways I love Kylee's teacher and she's pregnant so that makes me love her even more. I'm just so happy to have my girls in a tiny little school sheltered from the crazy world at least for a little while. Oh and I bet Kiora is happy that it's normal here to get married young and have a big family, so when I go to school to volunteer they won't introduce me as her older sister--yep happened twice at two different schools, poor thing. It makes me sad no one ever believes that she is mine : ( I guess it doesn't help that I'm the runt of the family and at just 10 years old she almost towers over me, and we wear the same size clothes and shoes oh and she's Blonde. Oh well //// yeah for back to school.
*picture google images

Husband Bashing

WOMEN SAY THE DARNEST THINGS about their husbands.
So today our lesson was about eternal families, and I found it just a little funny that the whole room of ladies in a fun loving, joking kind of way, started to bash their husbands. I know they weren't trying to be mean or any of that, but I find it interesting how many times I find myself in the middle of a group of ladies that have something to say about their husbands. The funniest thing I can remember it was around valentines days and there was a group of about twelves of us eating dinner and the ladies got off on a subject about how men complain that women make up stupid holidays to get candy and gifts and men don't get any special days for them bla bla bla--and then one of the girls blurtered out "we give them sex once a week what more do they want", and I almost died. I don't think I need to tell you how that conversation went. . . any who today the question was asked, "were there any surprises after you got married". The surprises that came to my mind: love notes, and flowers, dinners, and get aways, kids in bed, candle lit massages, and bubble baths, waking up to a spotless kitchen etc those kind of surprises, but apparently I didn't understand the question because there was an out pour of silly things about the quirks of men. I truly am so so blessed to have such a wonderful and amazing husband who I adore and I can't imagine a more perfect man. Do I feel left out when the bashing begins and I can't find even one thing to say--umm yeah maybe a little--ok not really. I guess I truly am lucky in love. Yeah I did have a list I made when I was younger of the perfect man, but I didn't get much past blond hair, blue eye, cute butt, and loves kids. Well my now perfect husband has a least 50% of that list so I didn't do to bad, I'm not much one for lists any way. After the giggles died down the lesson was just AMAZING today was just a great great day! I just want to give a shout out to all you men out there KUDOS to you for driving your women crazy.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Testing an app

Here I go I love apps! I just found this one and I'm testing to see how it work hubbies cooking I'm holding my baby typing with one thumb gotta love technology and multiTasking. School starts tomorrow I sure hope I can take off work


umm so lately I have been trying to become more "domestisized" you know becoming a typical good house wife--cooking, cleaning, sewing all that jazz, and the other day it came to my realization that I SUCK AT BEING NORMAL, so I'm just going to be me. This realization came to me about midnight when I, after several attempts to sew elastic, broke the needle off of my brand spanken new sewing machine. Get this my sewing machine is one of those high tech, fancy smacy, does all the work for you, automatic ones and I can't even get that to work right. I came balling to my husband--my hero who always makes everything better, and we had a few laughs about my total incompetence and then he told me how I should have have done it correctly--yup a sewing lesson from a dude. ANywho I wouldn't say I'm throwing in the white flag just yet, but I'm going to focus my energy else where for a while. I did happen to manage to sew some fantastic curtains, a few skirts and some aprons--all of those on an old fashion regular sewing machine lol, and I have come a long long way in my cooking so I should be happy about that. It's funny to look back and it amazing me how we survived with my primitive home making skills--take out and frozen foods were my specialty. The great thing about my weakness is I now have a husband who loves loves to cook and is fantastic at it, so I think I will take credit for that because if I hadn't been so terrible at cooking he never would have step a foot into the kitchen. Now I know, I know the best way to a mans heart is through his stomach--LAME so I will still work on becoming more like Rachael Ray, but I definitely won't be rushing to get a new needle for my sewing machine anytime soon. Some day I'll get to those scrap books, and decorating my house, and learning to blog, and . . .. . . . . . . . WOMEN are amazing especially all of you amazing house wives. Until then I take comfort in the song who I am by Jessica Andrews