So today our lesson was about eternal families, and I found it just a little funny that the whole room of ladies in a fun loving, joking kind of way, started to bash their husbands. I know they weren't trying to be mean or any of that, but I find it interesting how many times I find myself in the middle of a group of ladies that have something to say about their husbands. The funniest thing I can remember it was around valentines days and there was a group of about twelves of us eating dinner and the ladies got off on a subject about how men complain that women make up stupid holidays to get candy and gifts and men don't get any special days for them bla bla bla--and then one of the girls blurtered out "we give them sex once a week what more do they want", and I almost died. I don't think I need to tell you how that conversation went. . . any who today the question was asked, "were there any surprises after you got married". The surprises that came to my mind: love notes, and flowers, dinners, and get aways, kids in bed, candle lit massages, and bubble baths, waking up to a spotless kitchen etc those kind of surprises, but apparently I didn't understand the question because there was an out pour of silly things about the quirks of men. I truly am so so blessed to have such a wonderful and amazing husband who I adore and I can't imagine a more perfect man. Do I feel left out when the bashing begins and I can't find even one thing to say--umm yeah maybe a little--ok not really. I guess I truly am lucky in love. Yeah I did have a list I made when I was younger of the perfect man, but I didn't get much past blond hair, blue eye, cute butt, and loves kids. Well my now perfect husband has a least 50% of that list so I didn't do to bad, I'm not much one for lists any way. After the giggles died down the lesson was just AMAZING today was just a great great day! I just want to give a shout out to all you men out there KUDOS to you for driving your women crazy.
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