Friday, June 14, 2013

WHat the Heck HAppened to 2012

Ok I sometimes cry a little when I see my baby girl who is now almost bigger than me and turning 12!  Oh how I wish I could rewind the clock and go back!  I also want to kick myself for not keeping better records of all the amazing moments.    So here I go again trying to slow down a bit to take it all in.  It is officially summer!!!!  We survived and crazy, intense semester, and my poor brain is mush!  I know I've missed Thanksgiving, Ben turning 2!, Christmas, my b-day, Valentines Day, My 12 year anniversary, Spring Break, Mother's Day, and everything in between.  Let's just say it was all AMAZING!!! Oh and we just bought a new house. 
So I'm a strong believer that a Picture Says a thousand words, and because I'm on summer break and SOOOO sick of papers and reports and typing I will bombard you all with pictures.    
--Love this photo bomb

--Don't feed the animals

--Ugly Christmas Sweater Party I won an Ipod woo hoo

---May baby Girl Graduated Kindergarten and wants to be a rock star when she grows up.

--My teaching Practicum was at my Daughters school where I got to see this beautiful face everyday.  I've never been hugged more in my entire life from about 50+ kids everyday!! I earned the Name "Super Teacher!"   

--water park fun

--McCormick BEN is obsessed with trains!
Ok well I'm off of work so I will have to catch up later.

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