Sunday, January 30, 2011


WHOOPS I Forgot you're suppose to make up those ridiculous thing a ma boppies at the start of the new year so here's mine:
  1. Procrastinate just a little bit less--baby steps people.
  2. Finish a few things I've started like my nursing and teaching degrees!
  3. Teach my girls piano--oh and they can teach me violin.
  4. Buy an awesome camera and fulfill my wildest dreams to be an amazing photographer
  5. Travel to 5 exotic places I've never been to this year.
  6. Plan an amazing family vacation to Disneyland
  7. Become top performer at work and get a big fat raise$$$cha ching
  8. Become a domestic diva--or the next Martha Stuart except for the whole prison thing.
  9. Submit my books to a publisher.
  10. Teach my sexy hubby ballroom dancing--sorry babe.
  11. Fulfill and blog about 100 random acts of kindness-------------------------------------------watch out people your about to be served!
  12. Knock my husbands socks off and plan this amazing mindblowing 10 Year Anniversary shin dig--yep it's really been that long.
  13. Invest $30,000 by the end of this year.
  14. Finish remodeling our house
  15. Plant an extravagant garden.
  16. Learn jujitsu, akido and other martial arts
  17. Take a week long vacation every month.
  19. Volunteer and be a coach
  20. Start a Home Preschool for Kams.
  21. Learn to speed read!!!I'm going to need that with all my medical books.
  22. This albino is going to sit on the beach and get tanned aka paint myself orange and pretend I'm cool like all the rest of you glowing golden goddesses.
  23. Dress up three times a week--this is huge I don't do pretty.
  24. Go out with my mom once a week.
  25. Learn to scrapbook and make 12 photo books
  26. Learn to knit and sew
  27. Read 100 books--not including children's books and my boring textbooks.
  28. Study and get As this semester.
  29. Buy a new wardrobe.
  30. Get organized
  31. Buy a year supply
  32. Buy a new car
  33. Have a spa day with my ladies 2x/ month
  34. Learn how to meditate.
  35. Teach a couple of dance classes.

that list should be good.... oh wait.

36. Be less of an over achiever on steroids.

What are some of your resolutions

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I want to be a part of the disneyland vacation and I forbid you from learning jujitsu...the end!