Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mortgage Madness

Ok why is it, when it rains it pours. Tim’s hours have now been cut to part time so our income has been cut more than in half and coincidently our mortgage decides to jump up $500 a month. I was able to negotiate with the escrow department to spread out our payments to the max so instead of having to pay $1900 a month it’s down to $1700 yeah, but it’s still $300 more than when Tim was working full Tim and had his bonuses and extra income on the side. I’m going to contest our property taxes but after that I’m all out of ideas. And I was a little upset with our $600 electric bill and when I called to ask why it double the lady just replied it was hotter this month. I guess it’s a packing we will go. I guess life was getting a little to easy. It reminds me of my English professor who gave me my first D in my life and when I ask what was wrong with my paper he said nothing, but he knew it wasn’t my best and he wasn’t going to let me coast through his class, and he knew I was this amazing writer and he had all these wonderful hopes and visions for my future—um clearly he didn’t read my transcripts, because I was a Med Student not an English major, but I do have to secretly admit I have notebooks full of books I’ve written and I’m a passionate writer, it’s my therapy, any time I’m stressed I write and I love it. Dang it old people and their wisdom. I’m still praying for a miracle. It was so adorable our little neighbor girl said she had a dollar she could give me so we wouldn’t have to move because Kiora and Kylee are like her BFFs. I guess I have to reluctantly turn the next chapter in my life, but ecstatic, the big guy has so much faith in me to give me such a handful of challenges. I guess being a personal trainer I can see it in a good way,
without resistance, there’s no rippling pectorals. grrrrrr --"He'll be back" hopefully with some pants

***Picture credits* google images and

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