Tuesday, February 22, 2011

GRrrrrr. warning hot temper ahead.

OK for all of you who know me, you're not going to believe me, but lately I have been so irritated. I was lucky enough to grow up with five brothers so I have an amazing amount of tolerance for obnoxious people, but for the first time in my life I understand the expression you are getting on my last nerve--I had never physically felt irritated before and literally it feels like someone is pinching your nerves it was very creepy. I'm hoping it's just my pregnancy hormones balancing out because It's not fun wanting to punch total strangers in the face--ok maybe if you're Chuck Norris it would be fun, but I like my happy go lucky me a lot better. I kinda feel like the hulk some times. My adorable husband calls it "Red Rossing"--and always teases me about being grumpy because he knows it will make me smile. We even found a tee shirt that says "SOMETIMES I WAKE UP GRUMPY BUT USUALLY I LET HER SLEEP IN" I almost died laughing because I can totally relate. I notice it a lot more when I have to go to work or school, especially school--thank goodness for online classes. I thought I would just send out a little courtesy warning to stay clear of this Grouch for 4-6 weeks.


AWE I can beathe and relax now that I have passed the HESI. Honestly it's been about 7 years since I have had to use any of my medical knowledge and I was feeling like I had forgotten everything especially after having four kids--they have proven that being pregnant literally shirks your brain, it's not a rumor, don't believe me? Go look it up.

So my friend had told me that she studied her butt off and didn't pass and had to retake the test, and was telling me how horrible the test was. I'm not going to lie I kinda freak out a little bit. Here I am with this random crazy idea I'm going to have my husband quit his amazing job, move out of our gorgeous home, leave all our friends and a place we had called home for the past 7 years, just so I can finish my teaching and nursing degrees.

Then I started stressing about taking this one test, and everyone was telling me the same story that it was wicked hard and that they didn't pass. I started to worry that if I didn't pass this one test, then I wouldn't be accepted to the nursing program and I would have uprooted my family and our perfect little lives for nothing. I know, I know I was being a total drama queen. So the night before the test I crammed and crammed for this test until about 2 a.m. I didn't sleep at all that night.

THE MORNING OF THE TEST> I knew I was going to need all the help I could get, so I prayed my little heart out, ate a handful of almonds and tuna-lol the only brain food I had at home, and did my best to psych myself up for this test. When I arrive there was a group of people on the couch waiting to take the test and yep almost all of them were retaking the test because they had failed, so that was a little disturbing. This poor little girl was taking it for the 6th time trying to pass. So here I am sitting in a room full of stressed out people waiting to take a test that literally could determine my future. The room was silent and the tension was so thick It was suffocating me ALL OF A SUDDEN the nursing instruct just lets one Rip. I almost die it was so hilarious. Way to break the tension--everyone was trying so hard not to bust up laughing. I know getting the giggles from farts is so elementary, but she had totally made my day. After that I knew everything was going to be just fine.

The only part on the test that I was worried about was Chemistry. I had taken Chemistry as a summer class a week after I had my first child and I had gone back to work full time that same week, so I couldn't remember a thing. Once I saw my score for Chemistry I almost broke down in tears because I knew I had passed. I was going over my score with the instructor and being the perfectionist that I am told her that I wanted to take the test again. She freaked out at me and ordered me not to take the test again and said that in the past 3 years she had not seen a higher score, and that I need to allow others that haven't passed it to take it again, like I was being so selfish. Well alright then lady, Sorry.

I seriously wanted to do a little happy dance and I literally cried all the way home--those darn pregnancy hormones. WOO HOO

Of course I called up just about everyone and went out celebrating. Now all I have to do now is get accepted into the nursing program and survive the next two years.