Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lost wallet--lousey luck

I'm not going to lie it's been nothing but headaches since we moved back to Pima and nothing seems to be working out the way I had planned. All the classes my husband needed to take where filled, I didn't get my applications in time to finish up my degrees, we had to take Kam's to E.R., our remodeling efforts have been a complete disaster, I was stung by a scorpion, my husband's work fell through so it's been a little tight without his big pay checks, and I wasn't expecting to have to pay cash for school or doctors visits because I thought we would keep our insurance and get student loans, but that didn't work out either. We haven't had time to go to Disneyland and now he loses his wallet. GRRRRR. I keep telling him maybe it's a sign we should just move back, but the little booger just tells me that maybe it's a sign we are where we should be and all the stress we have been having has been a test to see if we can get through the rough patches and get to our blissful paradise.

He totally stole my thunder--I'm always the one telling everyone it's going to be OK, and I'm an incurable optimist and never worry about anything, and here he is giving me advice on how to look on the bright side. I guess after almost ten years of him being married to me all my optimist mumble jumble is starting to sink in. Of course he was right although it did take a few months things are starting to work themselves out.

We found his wallet, the remodeling is coming along, and missing out on turning in my application is going to work out the best in the long run. My work has been going great and I will have 6 weeks time off. Not everything is exactly how I planned but it's been so nice having time, being around family, and living in a small town again. We are coaching our girls in soccer, they love their school--things are good, well at least until my hormones go crazy again. I love being pregnant.

*picture credit google images

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