awe it's not easy being a mother to a bunch of Klutzes, let's just say you can never have enough bandages and it's a good thing I'm in the medical field.
So we went to our ward picnic party and it was a disaster with a capital D. Weekends are always crazy to begin with so when I got a text message to remind me of the party I squeezed it in---always a bad idea but I am the biggest crammer I HATE IT!!!! So that morning we made a huge breakfast and that took almost all morning--oh how I miss our traditional Saturday IKEA breakfast. No cooking, quick and easy, and then the kids play in the club house while we shop around and relax it was always worth the 40 minute drive and who doesn't love IKEA. We were late to the party so when we got there all the Easter eggs where found--Queue miny meltdown one. After calming the poor distraught children, they started playing on the ghetto playground equipment that I wasn't to thrilled about. I told Tim how uncomfortable I was he assured me it would be fine and they were having fun, so I tried to relax and made small talk with a couple of people when I glanced over to see my Kylee being drug around and around by those old school merry go rounds. Her poor body was all scrapped up and bloody so I ran to the car to get the first aid kit. We had only been there maybe 5-10 minutes. I cleaned her up just to find out her little sister had followed in her footstep and was drug a few times before she let go to fall to the ground. OK I was ready to go. I got our dishes and a piece of cake to comforted my little wounded one and we carted our stuff back to the car. We were there a total of 13 minutes. My poor city girls aren't accustomed to homemade good ol fashion fun no matter how dangerous it may be. We normally have so much fun at these kinds of parties, but I will definitely be skipping out on it next year if we are still living here, but I'm ready to move ASAP. We moved down here to enjoy the slow relaxed pace of the country and life have become even more hectic.