Never in my life would I have imagined me of all people to win such an award as this--PERFECT ATTENDANCE. It frightens me to the core, in away this is actually more impressive than pigs flying, so clearly the end of days must be here.
OK in all seriousness I was dumbfounded when I opened up my email and couldn't help but bust up laughing, you see I'm not one for routine, and schedules, and predictability, I love change and spontaneity, adventure and surprises--and this was definitely a huge surprise to me. In high school I hated going to school, in fact I joined ever club and sport, just to get out of school: choir, band, cheerleader, color guard, track, volleyball, basketball, french club, student council, FBLA, NHS--yep even the chess club and knowledge bowl, and even with all those approved absences I still ditched just about every day, in fact so much I almost didn't graduate from high school even though I had a 4.0. College was pretty much the same and so on and so on.
I guess I'm living proof that people can and do change. And I would like to accept this prestigious award--who doesn't like free money-- and in doing so I would like to thank the one man who has made this impossible task achievable, my darling husband, who not only watch my children, cooked dinners every night, did all the house hold chores while I slaved away working from home in my sweats, and who of course never played hookie a day in his life--he even went to work on his birthday, what kind of animal does that, oh but most importantly for giving me daily words of encouragement like "you should quit", "you don't need to work", "Don't go to work", "I'll pay you an allowance more than you make working" etc because there is one thing I despise more than boring schedules and routines and that is being told what to do--lol.
Dreams really do come true--sniff sniff.
*picture credit